Ketanji Brown Jackson: The Next Supreme?
President Joe Biden nominates his first Supreme court nominee.
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Ketanji Brown Jackson: Next Supreme?
President Biden has named his pick for the next Supreme to replace retiring justice Stephen Byrer. Ketanji Brown has been given the nod, now it is up to the Senate to see that she is confirmed as the first Black woman on the Supreme court.
Liberal-leaning and will be the first former on as a Public Defender as a Supreme Court Justice.
Her most high-profile ruling came in 2019 when she ruled against former Trump White House counsel Don McGahn, where she wrote in her ruling, “The primary takeaway from the past 250 years of recorded American history is that presidents are not kings”
Ketanji Jackson previously worked for Justice Stephen G. Breyer, as a clerk, the Supreme Court Justice that she is replacing. In a similar move to Brett Kavanaugh. clerked for Justice Anthony M. Kennedy whom he also replaced.
She, like most of the Supreme court, has an Ivy League background, like seven of the eight members of the Court who graduated from either Harvard or Yale, except Amy. Barrett graduated from Notre Dame.
- Jackson is related by marriage to Paul D. Ryan, the former Republican House speaker
- Grad of Harvard College and Harvard Law School
- Graduated from the same High School as Jeff Bezos
Ketanji Jackson Ketanji Jackson met her husband, Patrick G. Jackson as an undergrad student at Harvard and they have two daughters, Talia and Leila. Her husband is a sixth-generation Harvard graduate.

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