Your Newsletter Needs to Be Where Your Readers Are

Your Newsletter Needs to Be Where Your Readers Are. "Keep your eye on the ball, and hit them where they are"

Your Newsletter Needs to Be Where Your Readers Are
Photo by Eduardo Balderas / Unsplash
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At  5-foot-4, 140 pounds. William H. “Wee Willie” Keeler was one of the smallest players in major league baseball a. His motto was, “Keep your eye on the ball and hit ‘em where they ain’t”

“Keep your eye on the ball and hit ‘em where they ain’t”

The goal of any email-based newsletter is to have readers subscribe. Besides having interesting content that readers are gracious enough to spend their time reading, what I need to do with this newsletter is to find out where readers are finding and reading newsletters. I’ve done some testing and the best response I get is from readers of other newsletters.

Take Twitter, for example, if you’re advertising to them as a typical Twitter user, doesn’t seem to work as well. Instead advertising to Twitter users who read newsletters with a focus on subscriptions works better.

Having a person come to the site and read an article is not the objective. The objective ( and KPI ) is the number of subscribers. There’s a subgroup of people that enjoy newsletters, they like the medium, they like the format, and they like the expressive nature of newsletters. Those people are willing to subscribe and that is our target market.

So how do we find these newsletter readers? The readers love SubStack. They love Medium and they love Revue. But how to reach them? We did some research on other large newsletters with their reach and what was their engagement on their most popular social media platforms. The results were interesting and in another post, I may go over the data but one thing I found is that the way to find newsletter readers is to go where they are newsletters

For now, I need to grow my newsletter with those who love reading email newsletters. For, my goal is “Keep your eye on the ball, and hit them where they are”

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